tirsdag 3. februar 2009

C - for Calf


18 kommentarer:

Lene sa...

Hahahaha!! Og denne er bare Herlig med stor H - selv om det er C, ja :) Coooool ;)

Rune Eide sa...

Glimrende!!! En sterk misunnelig hilsen...

Reader Wil sa...

Your photo is great and a good letter C word! Thanks for the visit to Cooktown where my daughter lives. We, in Holland, have now snow, and there was a very icy wind on Saturday.

Carolina sa...

I love this picture! Really made me smile. An original point of view.

EG CameraGirl sa...

This photo makes me smile. ;-)

Unknown sa...

Meget flott fanget!

Jane Hards Photography sa...

Creative photography

Anonym sa...

What an interesting shot! Happy ABC's to you...

Tumblewords: sa...

Clever composition!

Pat - Arkansas sa...

Hehehehe! Love that photo!

Anonym sa...

What a great shot!!! Great timing!

Liz Hinds sa...

How beautiful is that?! Gorgeous.

TYRA Hallsénius Lindhe sa...

Hahaha LOL that's so funny and cure, great pic/Tyra

Unknown sa...

Look at that tongue. Calves are cute : ).

Dragonstar sa...

That is such a beautiful, typical calf thing to do! I love calves, and I love your photo.

Thanks for your entry.

Celeste sa...

Great picture! You can almost smell that lovely warm, moist, grassy breath.

pictureeachday sa...

Hehe! I didn't make it to your blog on the C week.. this is an adorable shot! I love the point of view!

And that blackberry looks AMAZINGLY delicious.. I love berries so much.

Charlotte - FO² sa...

Utrolig tøft bilde!!! :)

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