tirsdag 13. januar 2009

Z - for zombie


17 kommentarer:

naturglede/Randi Lind sa...

Hei, første gang jeg er her inne! Flott blogg.Det var et virkelig stilig valg for Z! Slett ingen enkel bokstav. Ha en fin abc videre.

Rune Eide sa...

Ja, sånn så han ut også - godt laget!

photowannabe sa...

Now that's scary and very original. I'll bet its the only zombie posted today.

Reader Wil sa...

Ah, very clever and very eerie!! Thanks for your visit!

Barbara sa...

Striking photo, I like the angle it was taken at.

Granny Smith sa...

A scary photo! Where was it taken? This is a truly original response to the Z prompt.

Richard Lawry sa...

Spooky photo

An Arkie's Musings

Lene sa...

Z for zå zabla hoven der du ztår og zer ned på meg. Og - du zzzzzkremmer ikke meg - zorry.

Lene sa...

....og zelvfølgelig - z for zmiley ;)

Fotosekken sa...

Thanks for your visits and all the nice comments! =o) He wasn't really all that scary either, but surely the silent type.

Lene; Du zkal ikke gjøre narr av de som zuger zånn på z'ene, ellers kan du ende opp i RedakzjonEN på NRK. *fniz* Dezzuten er han ikke hoven heller, bare litt ztein. =o)

Unknown sa...

Wow! Very creepy! Perfect Z though. I hope I never see one of those!

Anonym sa...

i never thought of that! a creepy and perfect choice for a Z indeed!

Gerald (Ackworth born) sa...

Excellent choice - nice to find your blog which I've added to my blogroll.

Dragonstar sa...

That is an excellent photo, and a brilliant choice for "Z".

On behalf of the Team, thank you for participating in this round.

Fotosekken sa...

Kikamz (with a Z!); the fun thing with this is that we don't think alike. =o)

Ackworth; Thank you for adding me, my bloggroll however has been exposed to some delays... Again and again.

Dragonstar; Thank you for nice comment, and thank you for having me aboard! =o)

Jay sa...

What a great photo!

Fotosekken sa...

Thank you, Jay! =o)

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